‘When I am “older” I want to be a child again’. That is what Ana Monsó’s new work is based on, creating a work that is both familiar and nostalgic. Ana centers her work around self-reflections of sacred moments in her life. Drawing from her childhood memories, Ana creates freely, allowing the final work to be a fusion of her inspirations. 

Her work is an ode to the latent childish innocence that was once so well known to all of us. An ode to the cheerful inner child that we all carry inside. Innocence, naivety, curiosity, adventure, purity and joy. Ana tries to reinterpret the world without rules and without limits, as a child would do before social judgment and established norms are imposed on him. An exploration of the abandonment of the formal structure. 

Bringing the inner artist to the surface and promoting creativity unbridled by limitations, Ana’s work is both innocent and slightly absurd and incoherent.

© Ana Monsó.2021. Todos los derechos reservados.

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